

学  费:电话咨询



课程名称中文(院校+专业):UAL+pre-sessional course  英文:pre-sessional course  课程研发老师:黄老师  主讲老师:黄老师  英文课程介绍:The aims of this course are to introduce you to how art and design is taught in the UK, to build confidence when researching new ideas through three projects and to enable you to present your work both visually and verbally.  课程宗旨目的:Experience a variety of art and design topics taught through interesting projects. Create or develop your art and design portfolio which can be used for further study.  具体课程:This option provides a general art and design mix suitable for portfolio preparation or general interest and enjoyment. You will be given an introduction to various art and design subjects.  The program consists of practical work in the studio, group work and visits to museums and galleries in order to gather research work for your projects. The emphasis of the course is on creativity, learning to express ideas on paper and also making art in three dimensions.  课程介绍(以下是中文):以小班教学的模式,结合UAL伦敦艺术大学衔接课程的内容,用跨媒介探索,室内外主题创作,图形创意,个人展示,小组互动,评论赏析等板块,真实再现英国美术院校课堂。培养学生积极观察生活的能力,批判性思维的形成;启发好奇心与独立探索的能力。  针对人群(精短,见下图红色方框):  任何想感受国外艺术课堂上课形式的学生  不清楚调研过程,想要拓宽思路,为作品集制作做准备  不熟悉Presentation,希望锻炼自己自信准确地展示作品  课程优势(精短,见下图黑色方框):  以英国知名大学课程教学大纲为基础  体验作品创作完整过程  弥补国内欠缺,拓宽学生思路  课程成果:  项目创作可用于作品集  明了创造力来自哪里  创意思维与批判思维结合训练  展示汇报与团队协作能力锻炼  课程表:课创作项目作业介绍声音的视觉传达互动课第2课Reflective journal 反思性日志介绍+互动练习*日记展示,第二天简短group tutorial第3课观察能力课堂练习10分钟+校园速写x3共1.5小时+互动讨论第4课户外作品分析鉴赏讨论+蓝晒技法体验第5课创作项目初案展示(任何形式)+分析讨论展示性汇报技巧讲解握手练习,分组分析小练习第6课主题汇报练习+分析讨论头脑风暴:主题性+辩论性(抓阄分组)图形创意第7课跨媒介探索:拼贴,三维纸艺第8,9课创作进程展示+素材调研辅导+反思性日志辅0课展示性汇报+提问讨论critique
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