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课程名称中文(院校+专业):SVA 二维动画基础与制作课程  英文:2D Animation Foundation  课程研发老师:王洵  主讲老师:王洵  英文课程介绍:  Introduction to Animation  The basic concepts of storyboard, layout, exposure sheets, extremes, timing, in-between, weight, squash-and-stretch, overlapping action, hook-ups, arcs, walk cycles and head turns will be covered in these courses. Drawing skills will be emphasized, as will the importance of one drawing in the context of many. Basic construction, line of action, perspective and looking—before touching pencil to paper—are essential to developing good drawing skills and personal style.  课程宗旨目的:  Students will solve pictorial problems through these means. Character mode sheets, animal anatomy and live models will be drawn.  具体课程:  课程介绍(以下是中文):  以一对一的模式,学习西方动画基础,包含12 条动画基础理论,弹力球,跑跳,走路,对话等基本训练,每次课程会有作业解析和修改,学生亲生演绎动作,感知其中的原理。能将学到的知识运用在之后个人作品中。  针对人群(精短,见下图红色方框):  任何对二维动画感兴趣的学生  动画基础运动理论薄弱的学生  游戏设计  电脑艺术  课程优势(精短,见下图黑色方框):  以美国纽约视觉艺术学院sva, animation department课程教学大纲为基础  细致学习动画基础知识,鼓励学生自我演绎  发掘学生潜力,探寻个人风格  课程成果:  课程中完成的项目可以应用在作品集中  掌握动画基本理论,为后期作品集制作的精细度做准本  掌握动画制作流程  掌握相关软件使用  体验国外上课模式与项目创作过程  课程表:课Animation History 动画简史Figure Drawing 人物速写练习第2课Chart ? and in-between 表格与中间帧Extremes ? and BreakdownsBouncing Ball 弹跳球动画制作Squash ? and square 压缩与拉伸第3课12 principles of animation 12 条动画理论Walk 走路动作 – Getting the weightSet the tempoThe ? passing position or breakdown第4课Walk 走路动作 – Two ways to plan a walkThe double bounceLoosening it upDigging deeper into walksThe HeelFoot ActionNormal Walk SpacingWeight Shift?第5课Runs 奔跑动作 ? -The 4 drawing formula runThe 3 drawing runThe 2 drawing run第6课Jumps 弹跳动作Weight on a jump第7课Weight 重量Pressure and weightPush and pull第8课Dialogue 语音PhrasingPicture and ? sound syncAccentsAttitude第9-10课Animation ? Production小动画制作
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