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课程名称中文(院校+专业):马兰欧尼时尚符号学  英文:fashion Semiology  课程研发老师:刘怡然  主讲老师:刘怡然  英文课程介绍:  Semiotics of Fashion, is the study of fashion and how humans signify specific social and cultural positions through dress. Ferdinand de Saussure defined semiotics as "the science of the life of signs in society". Semiotics is the study of signs and just as we can interpret signs and construct meaning from text we can also construct meaning from visual images such as fashion. Fashion is a language of signs that non-verbally converse meanings about individuals and groups. It holds a symbolic and communicative role having the capacity to express one’s unique style, identity, profession, social status, and gender or group affiliation  课程宗旨目的:  Through this course, we are going to help students to understand the communication form of fashion, and the way to obtain an object with a strong plastic connotation. This is not just come down to fashion, but also linking to advertisement. We will tell the truth of fashion in 4 different ways—tactility, vision, audition and olfaction. We are trying to help students explain their inspiration more effective and attractive.  具体课程:  1. Visual Categories—The Shape and its meanings  2. Semantic Categories— Semantic Categories in Fashion  3. Chromatic Categories 1— Color is a sign  4. Chromatic Categories 2— Matching Colors  5. Plastic Denotation & Connotation  6-7. Individual Work  8. Presentation  9-11. Team Work  12. PechaKucha Presentation  课程介绍(以下是中文):  当我们谈论时尚的时候我们在谈论什么?当我们被一条裙子/一个橱窗/一页广告吸引的时候,是什么吸引了我们?当我们记住一个品牌的时候,又是什么让它使人如此印象深刻?这门短期课程就是为了解决这些问题,课程采用理论与实践相结合的方式,涵盖调研、讨论、展示、个人作业、团队合作等板块,让学生在了解设计的同时,自己动手制作能够有针对性的令人过目不忘的作品。  针对人群(精短,见下图红色方框):  时装设计/时装造型  平面设计  摄影  课程优势(精短,见下图黑色方框):  以意大利时尚学院课程大纲为基础  让作品集更加出众,更表现主题  弥补国内欠缺,拓宽学生思路  课程成果:  课程中完成的项目可以应用在作品集中  了解符号学基本知识  理清设计思路,了解时尚真相  掌握立体剪裁的基本技术  体验国外上课模式,提高团队能力  课程表:课理论基础1.Visual Categories — The shape and its meanings第2课理论基础2.Semantic Categories— Semantic ? Categories in Fashion第3课理论基础3.??Chromatic Categories 1— Color is a sign第4课理论基础4.Chromatic Categories 2— Matching Colors第5课理论基础5.Plastic Denotation & ? Connotation第6课个人作业 Part1.创作项目作业介绍,调研方法基础交流主题和灵感第7课个人作业 Part2.提交调研结果,交流讨论+制作第8课展示性汇报+提问讨论 critique第三阶段团队作业项目介绍+分工第9课提交调研结果+交流讨论绘制草图0节立裁基础介绍+实操1节讨论交流+调整修饰2节(pecha kucha)展示性汇报+提问讨论 critique邀请家长到场分享学生的成果
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