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课程名称中文(院校+专业):圣马丁立体剪裁  英文:Draping womenswear Design  课程研发老师:刘一霏  主讲老师:刘一霏  课程介绍  By working with fabric and pins on a dummy-figure you inspire yourself and visualise your ideas in a quick way without making actual garments. By twisting, folding, gathering and layering fabric you can get the most amazing results. You will create your own research before you start to drape and sketch. Working in a sketchbook as well as working with fabric on a dummy will help you to develop and build up your ideas for shapes and details that will form a fashion collection. This collection will be made into a presentation for your portfolio at the end of the course.  课程宗旨与目的  When you apply for a foundation or BA course in fashion, it is important to have pictures of 3D work in your portfolio. In this course we will approach draping in an experimental, intuitive, playful and enjoyable way to create fashion ideas.  具体课程  The course will use a variety of learning methods, within a flexible framework depending on the needs of the group as a whole. These will include:  Tutor input and feedback  Student individual work on their projects  Group discussions  Student critique of each other’s work  Guided research in the library.  课程介绍  针对有意申请圣马丁女装预科或者本科的同学开设基础立体剪裁+创意立体剪裁的一个综合课程,辅助同学们在准备作品集时,立体剪裁方面的问题。可以给同学们一个专业的理解和训练。有助于申请女装名校和留学之后的学习。  针对人群  l 全国艺术类大学服装设计相关专业在校生。  l 有从事服装设计行业,出国留学或者考研等明确目标。  l 非服装专业在校或毕业生零基础。  l 对服装设计或手工感兴趣。  课程优势  l 短时间内对零基础学生对立体剪裁有基本的认识。  l 激发学生的想象力和创意。  l 有助于申请预科和本科女装名校的同学。  l 有利于作品集的制作。  课程成果  l 掌握立体剪裁的基本使用方法。  l 可以根据自己的创意制作一件衣服。  l 辅助作品集的制作。1立体剪裁基础知识,工具介绍1课时2立体裁剪基本技法,立体剪裁中省道与分割线1课时3基础立体剪裁原型方法2课时4服装变形立体剪裁方法1课时5创意立裁款式一1课时6创意立裁款式二(小组合作)1课时7二手衣改造1课时8根据自己的创意立裁设计并制作一件衣服2课时总计10课时
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